Sunday, October 10, 2010

Seriously...WTF Mate?

I woke up this morning and the first thing that went through my mind was, "The Ansa Cervicalis innervates the strap muscles of the neck, but what innervates the hyoglossal muscle?". My day is concluding with "So, wait, following a breakup people eat TONS of chocolate. Is this an evolutionary coping mechanism designed to to raise serotonin levels and thus make natural obsessive-compulsive thinking about a significant other diminish?"

Clearly, we left the realm of rational thinking a long time ago.

The good news is that the blog is finally seeing some love, so I guess it can't all be bad.

*Note: answer to morning question is: depends. Motor function? Hypoglossal nerve (Cranial XII). Sensory innervation (not special sensory as it's not involved in taste, though)? Lingual nerve, a branch of the Trigeminal nerve (Cranial V) - V3, to be exact. Bonus points if you knew it was supplied by the lingual artery. Unless you're an M1. soup for you. Sorry.

*Note2: with regards to night question - I highly doubt it.

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